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23 Rumah Pompa di Jakpus Siap Beroperasi
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23 Pump Houses in Central Jakarta are Ready to Face Rainy Season

91 stationer pumps attached in 23 pump houses are in good condition and ready to operate

Central Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency revealed, 23 pump houses spread across eight sub-districts are ready to operate in anticipation of the rainy season.

Yusuf Saud Marpaung, Head Division Head for Management of Flood Control Facilities, Clean Water and Wastewater said his party was ready to anticipate the La Nina phenomenon, which impacts the rainy season to arrive early.

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"91 stationer pumps attached in 23 pump houses are in good condition and ready to operate," he expressed, Monday (10/12).

Aside that, two pumps with 250 lps capacity at Mangga Besar Pump House were also ready to optimize the performance, including one pump with 1,000 lps capacity at Industri Pump House and two pumps with 500 lps capacity at Rajawali and Jati Pinggir 2 pump houses.

"Replacement of stationary pumps in three pump houses will be completed in December," he told.

He added his party also received assistance of 13 mobile pumps from the Alkal Unit under the Jakarta SDA Agency.

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